Most individuals have a variety of skills and talents that, on the surface, do not seem to be related to each other. I have always wondered what would happen if I combined some of my skills and talents to produce something unique. For me, I love to teach, I am technical and I’m educated as a physician. I decided to try to combine these aspects to create products that would help others.
This 90 minute DVD provides a solid grounding on the topic of depression for lay
people and non-
Psychiatric Secrets Revealed With Dr. Mike (PSR)
Now a monthly FREE Podcast on mental health and wellness issues, PSR is a show that brings together experts to explore various topics in mental health and wellness. The goal was to provide free information that was reliable and of very high quality. The show has been very well received and the time commitment to produce it is much more manageable so I can see it continuing into the future.
October 2008 will be a month well remembered by many, as this is when the stock market
crashed. Many of the affluent patients in my private practice seemed to have no
idea how to cope with rough times. Coming from a blue collar background I was already
an expert on saving money and I decided to put together a series of YouTube videos
on the art of packing a lunch (and doing it well). Saving Savvy has become an experiment
for me, and it doesn’t have the structure or limitations of the products listed above.
Anything that I think that could be of benefit to someone is likely to become a
Savvy episode. Money saving tips, product reviews, How-
On this web site you will find a lot of technical information on putting together
your own Podcast. Most information sources (radio, TV) are owned by very few companies
which can limit non-