Several people have asked why we picked the name KunaLand Productions, Inc. as the name for our multi-media company. If you are thinking that we hired expensive consultants, you are wrong (you didn’t think that right?).
In the year 2000 my adult niece Shari decided that it would be fun to have a web-building class for interested family members. Some families get together to play cards, my family gets together to hold classes.
The first project was to build a very simple site (on disk). The 1 page site that I built was called, Visit Exciting KunaLand which was definitely tongue in cheek as we live a most wonderfully predictable life.
The site featured pictures of our kids and cats and exciting news like a trip to the local park. The web class ran out of steam after a few session, but KunaLand lived on and it has become part of our family tradition.
Now you know the rest of the story.