Dependable, quality information that you can use.
KunaLand Productions                 Copyright 2005, all rights reserved
Depression, What You Must Know,  is an educational DVD designed to deliver high quality, in depth information about the diagnosis and treatment of depression in a simple, straightforward way. This DVD is for lay people.  For a 3 hour CEU version of this DVD for professionals, click here.

Major Depression is a very common illness that can be life threatening, yet the majority of sufferers of this illness never get proper treatment. This is despite the fact that there are many different and varied treatments currently available.

Drs. Kuna and Nelson-Kuna will share with you published information combined with their joint 36 years of experience to give you their honest opinion on what is likely hype and what has been proven to work.

For more information, or to order a DVD.
90+ Minutes of DVD Video!
NTSC (US) Video